五月的笔记课程 - 现在开放-
May 17 - 18
| 300 加消费税Inner Peace, Self Healing, Assisting Others, Education, Benevolence,
Be part of the 1st Traditional Chinese Bonsai Institute ever held in Australia”
“ 赶快加入澳大利亚第一个中国传统文化和盆景学院吧”
澳大利亚岭南盆景书院 - ESSINGTON, 奥布朗地区
The Rare Art of ‘Chinese Penjing’, the Ancestor of Japanese Bonsai can now be studied in the Oberon region – Essington, just 10 mins drive from Oberon centre with The Lingnan Penjing Academy of Australia.
Our Address is 24 Hopes rd Essington
Australia’s only Academy/Institute officially Aligned & Endorsed by a -State level- Government body in Guangdong Pr – The Peoples Republic of China.
通过盆景的道家方法,学习静心、培养内心的平静和自我 (Chinese Bonsai) , Tree Qigong, 风水, Bagua & CăoYào (Herbal medicines). Study under the guidance of Sifu Philippe Tot with over 41 years experience.
Sifu Philippe Tot first opened his studies in 1984, then pursuing to further his knowledge in Hong Kong and China. Tot Sifu is mastered in Lingnan Penjing, 风水 & Tree Qigong.
A recognised international Authority in Chinese Penjing, has been in the forefront for educating Australia in Penjing since the 90′s and was The official Curator and Penjing Caretaker of the Chinese Garden of Friendship Darling Harbour Sydney from 1992 to 2010.
Now, finally, you can be part of the 1st true Authentic Chinese Penjing Academy ever held in Australia.
Officially endorsed in Guangzhou China as an institute of quality and Authenticity via State Level Yuin Shang Fang Guangdong. This is the only Academy of its kind in the Western world.
SAT & 5月17日太阳 & 18th 2025
*我们的2天课程是密集的学习期, 对于那些不本地本地的人来说是理想的选择.
*小学年级的所有材料均包含报名费. 你的树, Soils, wires, fibres, 排水要求. 锅不包含费用,现场有多种锅可供选择. 请参阅我们的条款和条件以了解更多详情. https://www.penjing.com.au/fees/
* Follow on courses available- *follow on courses at a specified times
*Gift Vouchers
*Bonsai Tree’s come to our facilities to pick that perfect gift
*Bonsai tools, pots, 土壤 & accessories
*Antique Pottery
*Chinese Paintings & more
‘One’s Time Is Truly Precious,
A Heavenly Gift. Your Perfect Elixir;
Flowing like Water Ever Forward, Its Earthly life.
What a Pity, To Go Through a Journey Not Attuned to its Sweetness,
One Cannot Afford to Waste it’
~Philippe Tot
24 希望路埃辛顿 – (Oberon Region NSW)